Thursday, December 18, 2014

YES, there is a Santa Claus...and his name is Andrew Cuomo!!!

And a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS it will be!  Thank you Santa Cuomo! Bet the Brookfield Town Board feels  a sigh of relief! And a special THANK YOU to Larry Krauss for an OUTSTANDING ad in this week's WATERVILLE TIMES!

ALBANY — The Cuomo administration announced Wednesday that it would ban hydraulic fracturing in New York State, ending years of uncertainty by concluding that the controversial method of extracting gas from deep underground could contaminate the state’s air and water and pose inestimable public-health risks.

Monday, December 15, 2014


The DECEMBER 8, 2014 REGULAR MEETING of the BROOKFIELD TOWN BOARD covered a number of issues.  Below are some of the "selected highlights" ....please refer to Waterville Times for more coverage and details....

BROOKFIELD TOWN BOARD – December 8 2014 – REGULAR MEETING (Town Hall) - Attendance:  John Salka (Supervisor); Jeff Mayne, Dewitt Head, Joe Walker, Clint Abrams (Council Persons); Sherri Perretta (Clerk); Bob Piersma (Highway Superintendent).  Approximately 15 members of the public attended.


BOARD STOPS COMMUNITY EFFORT TO BAN HYDROFRACKING IN THE TOWN OF BROOKFIELD:  A Ban against Hydrofracking in the Town of Brookfield has been a topic of heated discussions among the Board and the Community. Finally, after YEARS of discussions, moratoriums and promises,  a Town wide straw poll was taken during this past November’s general elections.  By an overwhelming margin of 3:1, TOWN residents voted AGAINST HYDROFRACKING in the Town of Brookfield.
YET, Three BOARD MEMBERS VOTED AGAINST moving forward to institute a BAN ON HYDROFRACKING:  Jeff Mayne, Joe Walker  & Dewitt Head.   While clear that Walker & Head will never vote to support a ban (Walker has a lease; Head says neither he nor his family has a lease); perhaps most disappointing was Mayne’s  “NO” vote because  “he didn’t know enough” about the topic. 
Opponents of the Ban claim it is a form of “land use regulations”  and therefore violates their private rights to do anything they want with their property;  the welfare of neighbors and the Community are not their responsibility.  They see zoning and land use regulations as a form of control by the liberal “mobs” to bring creeping communism to Brookfield.  Ironically, many of these PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS advocates are among the largest benefactors of land use in the form of AGRICULTURE DISTRICTS.
Despite Salka’s efforts to rush past the subject (allowing less than TWO MINUTES of Board time to the subject) the “Public Comment” period re-opened THAT CAN OF WORMS -- requesting a poll of the Board --- something the Supervisor was UNWILLING to do.  
After the results and excuses given, the Board received from the audience an overwhelming message of disappointment , frustration and disgust with the outcome.  No wonder Salka had the new RULES OF DECORUM for the Public to conduct itself during Board meetings.  
RESPECT is EARNED --  a four page list of rules for the public isn’t going to do it.  Several requests for copies of the NEW RULES & POSTING ON TOWN WEBSITE were DENIED BY SALKA until AFTER they are APPROVED !  If we want to see them, he has directed the TOWN CLERK to send us to the TOWN OF DERUYTER WEBSITE.... so here you about political cowardice.  !  Go to  DERUYTER WEBSITE to see them:     
SUGGESTION: we have  started a list of RULES OF DECORUM for THE BOARD!!!  and already received NUMEROUS SUGGESTIONS!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

TOWN BOARD - Outrageous Contempt for Public

The December 8 board meeting was another display of a Town Board with no leadership or direction and rife with contempt for the Public.   Rather than addressing issues most important to this community they clearly demonstrated that they are a Board “deaf” to the community and its needs.  To add insult to injury the Town Board not only REFUSED to consider a Ban on Hydrofracking , Supervisor  Salka had the unmitigated gall to present a four page list of rules for conducting future meetings.  The objective is to clearly point out that the PUBLIC  is there only to “OBSERVE” – if you have something to say, that is what a PUBLIC MEETING is for.  So, basically, Salka and his Board advocates a “SIT DOWN & SHUT UP” attitude toward the public. 
I will follow up with notes on the meeting, but this display of contempt for the public is an outrageous act against the community. Respect is EARNED.