Monday, November 2, 2009

POLITICAL: Fort Drum District Taken Over By American Taliban

Taliban takes over Ft. Drum District.... yes, it's on the ground up in this district. It appears the seat for the 23rd District has been captured by the religiously based National Conservative party and have run the local, secular Republican SCOZZAFAVA out of Town. Beginning to sound like Afghanistan. Voters in this district have been robbed of their voting rights by a Republican faction that has turned their political party into a RELIGIOUS LOBBY for fundamentalists beliefs. These national interests have used weapons of mass mis-information, designed by the "Conservative Cult" (Limbaugh, Beck, Coulter, Palin), who with their vicious tongues, turn normally rational humans into venomous , political zombies who put the Bible before the Constitution.

While normally respectful voters, people in our district have been stunned by the level of anger stirred by these talking "heads" (..actually, I think they have the wrong end..) and their conservative national sponsors. Face it, our former democratic system, has been was hijacked. Even the "teabaggers" got "bagged" on this one when the hand of their feared "BIG GOVERNMENT" swooped in to trump LOCAL rights.

We voters are now left with HOFFMAN an ill-informed, two-issue candidate (abortion and gays) who fits THE NATIONAL profile (only need to check two boxes to be a "qualified" National candidate.). Hoffman not only does NOT reside in our district, the local Watertown papers gave him a negative review, lacking an understanding of major LOCAL issues. Like Palin - another fine example of dressed up but don't put the puppet near a microphone.

We are at a dangerous crossroads for our Country. Now, when we need most to come together in compromise, our house is being divided. We don't need patronizing puppets of the National Conservative Taliban....we need representatives with common sense and backbone that will bring OUR country TOGETHER. Keep up the divisive work Anne, Rush, Glen & Sarah. Doctors murdered in cold blood; organized shout downs and intimidation -- like the Brown Shirts. Is history repeating itself..are we now sowing the seeds of our second civil (religious) war, fertilized with the manure of these talking heads? How far do we allow our Country to travel down this path before we reach the point of no return? Today we are a Democracy.... on Tuesday, we may have traded it all for a THEOCRACY... government run by God and divine intervention? I think even JESUS would have to vote for the Democrat, OWEN, on this one!