Monday, December 21, 2009

BROOKFIELD: 2008-09 Town Salaries

Thanks to the internet, more and more information is available
regarding our local and state government operations.
SeeThroughNY is a great reference for salaries, contracts and
school district salary information.
Unfortunately, the information
is not always complete. Supervisor Salka provided info on some elected
offices. Check it out at

YTD Salaries Paid 2008-09
Abrams, Donald $38,125
Brown, Gregory $35,833
Cross, Dana $37,529
Jones, David $37,263
Kabana, Sherry $12,389
Snow Jr, John $37,504
Weigand, Rhonda $14,004
Worden, Geoffrey $9,370
Zediker, Mark $39,088
Supervisor - Salka $ 5,649/yr
Town Board $ 2,100 each/yr
Judge $ 5,974 Each/Yr