Wednesday, September 29, 2010

GAS DRILLING EVENTS - Terrorist Activity List?

ANTI-DRILLING EVENTS - "Gasland" Showing" - Make TERRORIST ACTIVITY LIST! If it wasn't true, it would be laughable. According to this article from the Oneonta Daily Star (Tom Grace, reporter), events likely to be attended by gas drilling opponents, such as a showing of the movie "Gasland," were included in a bulletin about possible terrorist activities. The terrorist bulletin was created by the Israeli-based Institute of Terrorist Research and Response, who were hired by Pennsylvania's Office of Homeland Security. The institute had a one-year $125,000 contract with Pennsylvania's Office of Homeland Security to warn officials about possible terrorist activities. The bulletin also was sent to natural gas drilling companies. Makes you wonder whose side the government is really on! Fortunately, NYS has taken a more "liberal" view of these activities. According to a spokesman for NYS Division of Homeland Security, New York has no campaign to keep tabs on gas drilling opponents and doesn't view them as terrorists. Dated: 9-28-10 LINK: