Tuesday, October 19, 2010

POLITICS: Kristen Davis - Candidate for NY Governor...QUALIFICATIONS

You have to hand it to this candidate for NYS Governor. During last night's debate we heard from a little-known candidate, KRISTEN DAVIS, who certainly has the qualifications to take on Albany: ....former madam Kristen Davis, running on the Anti Prohibition Party line and who wants to legalize marijuana and gambling, made no secret of her former line of work running an escort service business.“The career politicians in Albany are the biggest whores in this state, ” said Davis. “I might be the only person sitting on this stage with the right experience to deal with them. And Ms. Davis suggested that her experience running an escort service made her the candidate best prepared to reform the NYCity Metropolitan Transportation Authority. “The key difference between the M.T.A. and my former escort agency is I operated one set of books and I offered on-time and reliable service,” Ms. Davis said to laughter and applause. “Businesses will leave the state,” she added, “faster than Carl Paladino at a gay bar.”.... ...Got to admit....she calls 'em as she sees 'em. Coverage from NYTimes...