Saturday, November 27, 2010

GAS DRILLING - Please STOP "Injection Wells"

Interesting article from the COMMERCIAL APPEAL regarding as drilling "INJECTION WELLS" and seismic activity near Memphis, TN. While the seismic activity is certainly in question, more frightening is the discussion on "INJECTION WELLS". Gas companies can and will leave behind their waste water -- they literally dump their leftover salt/waste water & chemicals into a hole (well) ....seal it up.... and leave it in the community. Also, take the time to look at some of the "Comments" which provide further detail and "FACTS" (with references!). This is WHY it is critical for those LEASING PROPERTY to PLEASE: EXCLUDE the companies from LEAVING YOU AND THE COMMUNITY with this waste...exclude INJECTION WELLS FROM YOUR LEASES... PLEASE.

Here is an excerpt....

"...., the companies dispose of saltwater wastes by injecting them under pressure into other wells that are 3,000 to 12,000 feet deep. Of the disposal ("injection")wells studied, some inject more than 250,000 barrels -- or 10.5 million gallons -- of waste each month. [Footnote: The average frac is 3 to 7 million gallons with .5% chemicals, so in reality thats 15,000 to 35,000 gallons of chemicals being injected.]

Memphis COMMERCIAL APPEAL " Earthquakes Rattle Arkansas Town; Residents Blame Gas Drilling" (Nov. 27, 2010)