Thursday, April 21, 2011

School Budgets - 2% Property Tax Limit

2% Property Tax Proposal - It's Time Has Come!!!

The 2% property tax cap, proposed by Governor Cuomo, has passed the State Senate. It is currently sitting the Assembly.

The proposal means school districts cannot put forth a tax levy increase more than the rate of inflation or 2%, whichever is less. If a district wants to raise the tax levy more than that they would need a 60% super majority approval from tax payers. If that vote fails the district would have to submit a new plan. If the new plan is voted down a school district would have to revert back to the previous year's budget, and have no tax increase.

The Teachers' Union hates it...they should, looking at the salary increases and benefits they are used to receiving....Join the REAL WORLD.... School Districts must start living within their means like the rest of us...and STOP hiding behind "the children".... remember, they have parents who are trying to feed and clothe them. Am sure their parents are NOT getting the salary increases and benefits given out at the school.