Saturday, June 8, 2013

BROOKFIELD - Board Of Education JUNE 5 Meeting...What we learned....

"What we learned at the JUNE 5 BCS “Special Board of Education Meeting”.

It was a shame that this important BOE (Board of Education) meeting was simply posted as a Special Meeting to “discuss the Superintendent of Schools position”. That was clearly an understatement!

Unfortunately for the community, the “discussion” was over in 2009, when the Board began a Master Plan to reorganize the Management Positions at BCS and appoint Mr. Plows as Superintendent. This is what we learned last night:

1. Jim Plows, the current Business Manager & “Dean of Students”, will be appointed the SUPERINTENDENT and will remain as BUSINESS MANAGER.


2. He will receive compensation for each of the two positions. His new salary will be announced at the next Board meeting.

3. Mr. Plows did not know how much he now earns at BCS. (Despite the fact he was going into an executive session with the BOE to negotiate his new salary.) Board Member, Ryan Rogers volunteered that he knew Mr. Plows salary, but refused to disclose the salary amount. (This is public information.)

4. Mr. Plows’ appointment, as SUPERINTENDENT, has been in motion since 2009, as part of a “Master Plan” approved by the BOE. Jim’s appointment was PHASE 3 of the Plan.

5. Under the Plan, over the past four years, part-time, temporary Superintendents have been used so Mr. Plows could get the necessary degree to assume the Superintendent’s position.

6. While Plows will remain “Business Manager”, his “Treasury functions” will be transferred to another BCS employee for a “nickels and dimes” salary.

7. PHASE 4 of the Master Plan anticipates making the following four positions as FULL TIME positions: Principal (K -12); Guidance Counselor; Treasurer/Office Manager; and Office Clerk.

8. The “Master Plan” is now going to be posted on the BCS website…4 years later.

9. “Dean of Students” – is Disciplinary function. While we used to be sent to the “Principal’s Office”. BCS students go to “the Dean” for discipline….. And we pay extra for that position.