Sunday, January 19, 2014

BCS - State Says FINANCIAL PROBLEMS at Brookfield Central School

Not looking good for BROOKFIELD CENTRAL's FINANCIAL SITUATION... ...Just how long does the BCS Administration think we can afford to pay these top-heavy administrative salaries $100,000 ??? This is a bit of information you sure as hell will not hear of from BCS Financial Office...when will this community realize the school is being run for the benefit of a few at the expense of the STUDENTS & TAXPAYERS!!! In a report released Thursday (1/15/14) by the State Comptroller indicates fiscal stress for BCS finances. BCS ranked #27 in fiscal problems out of 674 districts... with rankings from #1 as the most serious financial situation. Statewide, 13 percent are fiscally stressed, the report says. The most highly stressed districts in Central New York are LaFayette, DeRuyter, Skaneateles and Brookfield. Those districts are in "moderate fiscal stress" -- the second most serious category in the comptroller's report. LaFayette has the 14th highest fiscal stress level of the 674 districts in the comptroller's report. Brookfield ranked #27 in fiscal stress. The report is meant to give parents and taxpayers a factual starting point for conversations about the financial health of their school district. BCS was the only one of the four CNY schools whose admnistration did not offer a clarification or explanation to reporters. The system measures the specific finances of each district, not the overall health of a community The comptroller said most school districts found to be in fiscal stress are operating with low fund balances, operating deficits and limited cash on hand. They also have a much higher likelihood of using short-term borrowing to bridge cash flow gaps, the report said. See full article at POST STANDARD - they do a good job of covering education issues.