Wednesday, July 16, 2014

TOWN BOARD - Gas Moratorium - UNREAD LETTERS.....

It is a shame that the Town Supervisor Salka did not read the following letter to the Town Board which was hand delivered to the Town Supervisor's office PRIOR to Monday's meeting and was never, I'll post it here...contrary to Town Attorney Hadley's advice, that these moratoriums "aren't worth the paper they're printed on", the moratoriums and "home rule" did stand up in the courts.....but then again, it's apparent there are several board members who have a vested financial interest in gas drilling going forward in the Town...

To the Honorable John Salka and Members of the Town Board,

By a 7 to 2 vote, New York State's Court of Appeals has upheld for the 3rd time the Town Home Rule right to prohibit fracking and other forms of drilling. It's time for you and the Town Board to do the right thing for the vast majority of people in this Township. It's time to ban future drilling once and for all.  The evidence is in.  There is no more time for hand wringing and debating.  Brookfield must immediately join 200 other towns. We want protection now from what the Governor and and/or DEC may decide to do in the very near future.  We can't wait.  At the least, we should have a moratorium in place, but far better would be a public vote to ban drilling. It's time to act now or forever be personally responsible for us and future generations.  It takes only one member to make a motion and a 2nd to second it.  Now is the time to act responsibly for the future health and happiness of the people and the preservation of its incomparable environment and life sustaining water.
Kindest personal regards,
Hobie & Lois Morris