Friday, December 11, 2015

BOARD OF EDUCATION Vandalism Update: " ...Shut your CAKE-HOLE" about it!

BOARD OF EDUCATION Update:  " ...Shut your CAKE-HOLE about it!!!"

For those of you who actually care about the recent $250,000 in vandalism at BCS ...DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME !

Based on what occurred at Wednesday night's BOE meeting,  it is evident that the Board and Administration want this one buried deep....real deep.  Don't talk about it..."it's under investigation".

In the past few weeks several calls and emails have been sent to Superintendent and a Board Member and was told there was "nothing new"; they are still "waiting to hear from the police"...WAITING TO HEAR? Apparently only the Waterville Times has the gumption to follow up.  Why do we have to get an update from the Waterville Times and have the BOE claim no knowledge?

Don't ask about it....and don't bother with BOE meetings if you are easily intimidated by a Board Member telling you to "shut your CAKE HOLE"... . Based on the failure of other members to react, I take this to be standard treatment of the public.

Frankly, their failure to answer the most basic questions only leads to further speculation...and the plot thickens:

Did the suspects gain entrance by using a school ID card?   Since they refused to answer or respond negatively only reinforces the rumor that access was gained using an employee access card.  If so, there must be some record.  Perhaps that explains why the Board and Administration don't appear to be moving ahead on this case.

While the Board complain "people are refusing to talk to the police... " Why is no one is being taken in for questioning?  NO Leads? NO suspects?  In this "close-mouthed" Town?...surely you jest.

The message is: just let it drop... and "shut your CAKE-HOLE" about it!