Friday, March 4, 2016

ETHICS REFORM IN ALBANY: What Would SALKA Say? asked 14 state legislators from Central New York where they stand on two of the reform proposals: 
1.  capping the outside income lawmakers can earn capping the outside income state lawmakers can earn at 15% (or another $ 12,000)  on top of their $79,500 base state salary  and 
2.  creating a system of public financing of political campaigns.
MAGEE supported reform......would be "informative" to know where his opposition, Salka, stands on these issues....he could respond on this FACEBOOK page....

Do you support capping the outside income state lawmakers can earn at 15% of their $79,500 base state salary ?  

Assemblyman Bill Magee, D-Nelson: Yes
John Salka????

Do you support public financing of political campaigns, as Governor Andrew Cuomo proposed?

Assemblyman Bill Magee, D-Nelson: Yes
John Salka???

See the full article at: