Wednesday, September 6, 2017

What a REAL TOWN SUPERVISOR reports....

This is what a REAL TOWN SUPERVISOR (LEBANON)  reports to his community...BROOKFIELD...we can't even get minutes from that the kind of POLITICIAN you want to send to ALBANY???  And Lebanon's report was in the PAPER...we can't even get information on the Website...unless you are a FACEBOOK "Friend" of Supervisor SALKA!

Lebanon to discuss electric, land law changes at Sept. 11 meeting
LEBANON >> Lebanon town officials will hold a public hearing on Monday, Sept. 11, 2017 on a proposed law to create a Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) for local residents to reduce electric costs through a group purchase agreement utilizing the Municipal Electric Government Association.

The town will also seek input on significant proposed changes in the town’s Land Management Local Law that have been recommended by a local group of town officials who spent approximately a year reviewing local town laws and codes.

The town board meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. and will be at the Town Office, 1210 Bradley Brook Road in the hamlet. The public is invited and encouraged to attend.

The public hearing on the proposed CCA Law is scheduled for 8 p.m. The public forum on the proposed changes in the Land Management Local Law will follow at approximately 8:15 p.m. All residents will be sent a mailing by the town with a synopsis of the major proposed changes which are attached. Residents can respond at town meetings, by email or by regular mail.

Town Supervisor Jim Goldstein has advised local residents that some of the proposed changes are significant enough that the town board wants as much input as possible from local residents and property owners.

Town officials and MEGA have hosted a workshop for residents and held several town meetings on the potential electric bill savings a CCA could provide to town residents by pooling and bidding for the best price, opt out options for residents who do not want to participate and the reality that the town will not move forward with the CCA unless town residents in the NYSEG service area will save on their electric bills. MEGA has 40,000 residents signed up through various municipalities in the region and will be soliciting bids for the best electric rates for the group.

Town board members want to be deliberative in the proposed Land Management Local Law changes since some of the proposed changes involve allowing more residences per parcel in the township, allowing farms to rent properties to tenants who are not farm workers, changing requirements for mobile home parks and eliminating the 12 year used mobile home rule. Town board members have had discussions with members of the public the last few board meetings but only a half dozen people so far have participated. Goldstein said town officials want a larger amount of feedback as the proposed law changes have been identified in initial discussions as both being more favorable to low income residents, landlords and renters but having negative impacts on property values, and the proposed changes would have impact on the direction of the town for the next decade to come.

Copies of the synopsis and the proposed LMLL changes as well as the existing law are available at, the town website and can also be obtained through the Town Supervisor or Town Clerk.

Other actions planned at the Sept. 11 meeting include:

•Discussing the 2018 town budget that will be filed with the Town Clerk Sept. 30.

•Discussing and adopting proposed amendments to the 2017 road repair plan.

•Reviewing the pending impact of state and county budgets.

•Reviewing Madison County updates with regard to the courthouse renovations, landfill projects, opiate prevention and 2018 budget.

•Discussing status of current local ag developmet issues.

•Discussing status of current code enforcement activity and actions

•Reviewing town assessed valuation and reduction in natural gas values for 2018.