Tuesday, December 11, 2018

TOWN SUPERVISOR - Rumor Updates and Additions...

12/14/18 - 

Sources have it that our Highway Superintendent, Paul Owens, WOULD WORK with CORBIN...!!

Rumor has it that Diana Weaver is withdrawing her letter of interest for the Supervisor position ....and that the Highway Superintendent will quit if Loren Corbin is appointed....

If Jeff Mayne moves to Interim Supervisor, a TOWN BOARD seat will open;

....BUT separate letters of interest for the BOARD position must be sent to Sherri prior to the JAN 2 meeting.

UPDATED:  For those who could not find the earlier post, I have cut and pasted below...previous postings can be found on the right-hand side of your computer...just click on a date...in any event, there is the PREVIOUS POST:


Just a quick follow-up for those of you who were unable to attend last night’s (12/10/18) Brookfield Town Board meeting.  It was packed house due to the scheduled appoint of an interim TOWN SUPERVISOR to serve out Salka’s term through the next general election – Nov 2019. 

Supervisor Salka presided.  All Board members were present: Joe Walker, DeWitt Head, Jeff Mayne and Clint Abrams.  Also in attendance our Highway Superintendent Paul Owens. 

The meeting was a combination of “who would have thought”…and “here we go AGAIN”. 

From the “Who would have thought” column:  there were actually FIVE QUALIFIED candidates who submitted letters of interest and bravely threw their hats in the ring.  Unfortunately, Salka would not allow their letters of interest to be read aloud and grudgingly “revealed” the names of the 5 candidates…as though they wanted to keep it a secret: Kate Peerman, Diana Weaver, Loren Corbin, Chuck Blood and Jeff Mayne.  

From the “Here we go again” column:  Salka didn’t do his homework and once again, at the 11th hour, the Board was unable to move forward – to the Board’s OBVIOUS relief!!  Problem: under the law, the Board could not appointment an interim supervisor UNTIL SALKA VACATED HIS SEAT  and he would not do it at the meeting because he wanted to serve out his term until DECEMBER 31, 2018.   So the appointment cannot be made until the JAN 2. 

[No doubt the relief was due to the fact there was: a) packed house; b) five candidates; c) no idea how to proceed with a vote; and d) the usual back-room politics.]

The vote confusion stems from the rules of appointment as reported by Salka:  the appointment requires a “super majority” (at least 2/3 vote approval)…among 4 board members…one of whom has to recuse himself from the voting because he is a candidate. 

It was really unfortunate that Salka would not allow the letters of interest to be read aloud to the packed house.   Wouldn’t it have been good to KNOW the candidate’s interest and their qualifications?  Who would have known of Kate Peerman’s professional and military background?  That Chuck Blood was retiring from farming and could devote full time to the position?  That Diana Weaver has a great equipment background and is regular at Town Board meetings? That Loren Corbin was the former Town Supervisor?.. and Jeff Mayne’s tenure on the County Fair and Highway experience?  

It was evident that the Board was scrambling as they met privately in John’s office right after the meeting was adjourned……technically, a BOARD MEETING. 

Stay tuned….there will be an extension of the time to write a letter of interest for the SUPERVISOR position…HOWEVER, a separate letter of interest will be required to fill the open TOWN BOARD position in the event current Board Member, Jeff Mayne, is appointed to the Supervisor position. 

Check the Town Board website for “special meetings/notifications”.  The TOWN WEBSITE    http://www.brookfieldny.us/