Saturday, June 29, 2019

Madison County Residents Concerned About 911 Consolidation

Madison County is in the process of evaluating its emergency response. Earlier this month, a consulting firm recommended Madison County merge its 911 Center with Onondaga County. Thursday night, they presented their findings to the public.
A few dozen Madison County residents spoke up at the meeting — most work at the 911 dispatch center or are first responders. They say their emergency response time is exceptional, despite being understaffed. The Madison County residents are worried about added costs and being second fiddle to Onondaga County.
The consulting firm is recommending a three phase approach. Phase one, they say, should be implemented immediately and includes operational changes; including sharing data. It would make it more efficient for departments to work together, specifically if they are responding to an emergency near the counties' borders, the firm says.  

The heavily debated part is full consolidation of the 911 centers. Residents are worried about outsourcing their service and having slower response times. They say the county should invest in its own community if there isn't a cost savings.