Sunday, May 1, 2016

BROOKFIELD 4/20 Special Meeting WATERVILLE TIMES - To the Editor

NOTE: I was advised that this letter went to the wrong email address so missed last week's edition... resubmitted for next week...hwb

April 29, 2016
WATERVILLE TIMES - To the Editor - BROOKFIELD Special Meeting

SENT TO:  LETTER TO THE EDITOR:   Waterville Times - Editor, Patty Louise

The April 20 Brookfield Special Board Meeting, appointing a replacement for Highway Superintendent Bob Piersma,  was an opportunity for the Editor  to see first-hand the growing frustration and anger over this issue specifically and the handling of Town affairs in general: from the highways to the garbage filled lawns.
While the Editor urged us to attend and ask questions; unfortunately, Town Supervisor Salka and his Board passed RULES OF DECORUM which prohibit questioning at Board meetings.    Although the rules allow public comments at special meetings such as this, they decided to eliminate that portion of the Special Meeting.   
 Only the Times was given an opportunity to ask questions ….AFTER the meeting.  Furthermore, it was NOT surprising to see Salka & Piersma's "explanations" regarding their contractor/customer relationship when, on April 11, a week earlier, Salka stated in an email to Rumor Around Town that:  "Bob gave us a fair quote and will be getting the job."  So why wouldn't they just come out and admit it rather than all the "double-speak" they gave the reporter?  Just another example of the root of this Town's problems.
Yes, the April 20 meeting would have been an opportune time to clear the air, unfortunately Salka and his Board only made it more confusing and left more questions.
As for taking these issues to social media:  when Town officials consistently turn a deaf ear to local problems; refuse to answer questions regarding their ethics;   blame others; fail to communicate and treat us as the "enemy" -- don't expect the Town's people to remain silent.  The people and taxpayers of this community deserve RESPECT not contempt.  This one they can't blame on ALBANY!! 
Very truly yours,
Honna Whelley-Bowen [Rumor...]