Monday, December 5, 2016

Incubator Kitchen Use in Madison County

For those of you who always wanted to go "commercial" with their products...from the CORNELL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION December 2016 Calendar.
Incubator Kitchen Use in Madison County

Did you know that Nelson Farms offers the use of their FDA Regulated Kitchen facility through a Shared Use Agreement. The Shared Use Facility at Nelson Farms is a commercial facility made available to local users on a contract or time-share basis. The facility will give users access to production-scale food processing equipment in an inspected environment. The term shared use implies that MOST of the core activities conducted at the facility are performed by the clients/farmers. Nelson Farms will provide one trained personnel to setup, assist with production, and supervise the cleanup procedure following the production. Productions will not be scheduled until all items are in order (ingredients, containers, labels, etc.)

Clients who use Nelson Farms as a Shared Use Facility will order and send to Nelson Farms OR bring with them their own ingredients for their production. It is the responsibility of the client to ensure that the delivered items are suitable for production activities. A variety of containers can be purchased from Nelson Farms at our cost plus a six percent handling fee. (see list of containers provided by NF). Nelson Farms will provide storage for ingredients &/or product for FREE one week prior to production and 48 hours following production. Long term storage is limited to space provided—additional space may be available for a weekly fee. Storage fees will be assessed for periods outside the listed parameters. Nelson Farms is not responsible for stored products/ingredients.

Use of the NF Shared Use Facility will require proof of product liability insurance. All clients will need to have a 20C license issued by New York State Department of Ag & Markets identifying Nelson Farms as their production facility. Nelson Farms requires that the applicant complete a Food Safety certification training which is offered online through the Nelson Farms website at We understand that each product is unique and therefore will schedule a client visitation/tour prior to approval of production. To schedule this consultation please contact Margie at 315-655-8831, Ext. 5.