Friday, January 16, 2015


What's going on in the MADISON COUNTY PROPERTY TAX DEPT??   Its newly appointed director, Paul Smith, was dumped by the powers that be in Swampsville.... in a "quickly planned" meeting... without public notice or comment....must have been really nasty...the Supervisors went so far as to entirely "vacate" his position because Smith hadn't signed and taken the official oath within 30 days of taking office.  If that's the case, I bet we would have to vacate the positions of half the town boards and other County positions.  Hope the Oneida Dispatch follows up on this political intrigue...always something....Link to January 13 full article:
Here are excerpts from the article: 
" On a procedural technicality, Madison County officials on Tuesday vacated the position of director of Real Property Tax Services.... In a quickly-planned meeting Tuesday morning, supervisors met in executive session as the Committee of the Whole before convening as a board to officially terminate Paul Smith as director of the Department of Real Property Tax Services..... As required by state public officers law, Smith needed to sign and file an official oath of office within 30 days of his appointment. According to county officials he never did so and that automatically “vacates” the position......County officials also would not comment on whether any problems involving Smith had been documented."