Thursday, January 8, 2015

SWAMPSVILLE - State of the County aka the Annual "WHINE" !!!

Another year of whining & blaming from Madison County Board of Supervisors...blame it on the constituents, the State mandates, but don't mention your own fat 16% SUPERVIORS' salary increases and free health insurance  while you stick it to the TAXPAYERS with a 8.4% tax increase..... and in the same year the County receives a $12 million windfall from the Oneida Nation settlement!

Check out the Oneida Dispatch article  (  ) and full transcript of Chairman Becker's STATE OF MADISON COUNTY ADDRESS... aka "The Annual WHINE" ....Mr. Becker needs to put on his "big boy pants" if the first thing he can do is whine about his constituents criticisms...  and BEGINS the speech whining about his constituents......who the hell are we to "second guess" our representatives???...somehow he thinks voting someone into office make them omniscient!!?   We voted them into office to "rule"?   Sorry, but last time we checked, it was a democracy and he pretty well shut off any public comment with the new Public Comment for the "frequent" and "vicious" attacks he should ask if there is a "reason" or is he just paranoid? Nobody claims that this is an easy job.  Just the burden is not being shared and these insurance perks make it look worse.  And a 16% salary increase on top of it...and hide it in the budget.  With this kind of treatment us taxpayers should be paranoid!!! 

Nice of him to NOT TO MENTION their 16% salary increase or their NO CONTRIBUTION/TAX FREE health & retirement benefits....where was that in the "message" to Madison County??  Pathetic --- the average "part-timer" supervisor receives these SUPERIOR benefits to those of the FULL TIME workers!!!   If anyone should be whining it's the TAXPAYERS....There are CONSTITUENTS out there who work a helluva lot harder at FULL TIME JOBS and receive NO WHERE NEAR what these Supervisors get for their PART TIME JOBS, while the rest of us "eat cake".   

To quote our Supervisor, John Salka's FACEBOOK response to these criticisms:  " " The issue of the health insurance for the supervisors is officially beat to death.  I challenge anyone to say, with all honesty, that they would refuse and option to cover their family with good insurance, especially when they have a sick child.  If they say they would refuse they are simply  lying or willing to sacrifice thousands of dollars for principle's sake......"


SALARY = $16,200  
RETIREMENT = 2,400  

Becker's PART TIME salary & benefits are included above.  

BECKER Salary = $30,000  
INSURANCE = $29, 221  
RETIREMENT = 5,753   
TOTAL = $64,974