Saturday, November 18, 2017

The House passed a tax bill. Can the Senate? (NYTimes 11-17)

Our Republican Representative Tenney voted to support the GOP House Bill ....and supported cutting deductions for state and local taxes. 


After the Senate Finance Committee approved a tax bill yesterday, the full Senate is expected to consider it after Thanksgiving. But problems remain.

Among them: analyses that stubbornly find the biggest beneficiaries are corporations, not low-income Americans, many of whom could face tax increases within a few years, according to the NYT.

Then there’s the prospect of repealing the individual health insurance mandate. And then there’s reconciliation.

What else have people found in the tax overhaul?
• The Senate bill includes a break for private jets, lowering taxes on the payments made by their owners to the companies that manage them. (The Hill)
• The rollback of the estate tax would affect a very small set of wealthy Americans — about 0.2 percent of the 2.6 million people who died last year left estates large enough to qualify. (NYT)